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FINC Architects are delighted to announce that our project Hogwood Park Reserved Matters application was unanimously approved last night at Wokingham Planning Committee for Vistry Partnerships Thames Valley.

Hogwood Park is β€˜A sustainable development which offers substantial public benefits and will deliver high quality development in accordance with the Council’s spatial strategy’

We’re delighted to have been able to follow this journey since pre-app on the Outline and it’s great to hear Members celebrate the merits of the scheme.

Well done to our hard working Architecture Design & Planning Team and a special mention to Adam Leatherbarrow who has managed this project from the early feasibility stage.

Project Stats:

140 high quality new homes πŸ‘βœ…
40% tenure blind affordable homes delivered on site (policy compliant) πŸ˜βœ…
Fully in accordance with outline parameter plans and no technical objections πŸ—Ίβœ…
2.8ha of SANG connecting to existing SANG πŸžβœ…
250 trees to be planted across the site πŸŒ³βœ…
Improved permeability πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈβœ…
Edge of settlement character achieved 🏑🏞βœ