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UK Property Forums

In May 2021, Adam Leatherbarrow was interviewed By UK Property Forums with regards to a scheme in Woodham, Essex.

Adam said “The proposals deliver high-quality, sustainable 3 and 4-bedroom family homes that provide a strong frontage onto Main Road and St Mary’s CoE school. The homes will help fill additional spaces at the school, which has been low on pupil numbers in recent years.

This development will deliver high-quality homes, with modern, open-plan living accommodation, large private gardens, garages, and private parking spaces. FINC Architects is an award-winning practice that specialises in the design of housing developments ranging from one-off, high-end homes to new large-scale Garden Villages and Towns. We are very proud of our proposals for Birkett Hall and believe the proposals will provide a positive contribution to Woodham Ferrers for years to come.”

Please click on the link below for the full article
